A valuable contribution to the cause of educational reform is
made by the publication of the Report of the Conference on New Ideals in Education held at Oxford last summer. A special feature of the Con- ference was the reservation of a day for accounts of educational experi- ments by teachers who are conducting them, and the result of these as given in the Report indicates a work of vital national importance. Other papers which are of special interest are " The Indirect Method in Religious Education," by Principal Jacks ; " Universities and their Re-planning," by Professor Geddes ; " The Place of Science in Edu- cation," by Sir Henry Miers ; " Regional Studies and Human Surveys," by Professor Fleure ; " The Examiner Re-examined," by Mr. John Russell ; and a paper by Mr. Henry Wilson breathing new life into the deadening monotony of modern industrialism.- The Report, which con- tains two hundred and sixty-seven pages, is obtainable from the Secre- tary, 24 Royal Avenue, Chelsea, S.W.