The spirit in which the President' s appeal has been
met may he judged from the action of the chiefs of the railways and the great Meat Trust at Chicago, as reported by the New York correspondent of the Times in Wednesday's issue. The former have already forsworn all competition during the war,-in order that the transport service of the country may. be co-ordinated and employed most effectively with the single view of serving the interests of the nation. And the Chicago beef-packers have placed their entire businesses at the disposal of the Government, and voluntarily advocated legis- lation giving the. Council of National Defence power to supervise: the distribution of foodstuffs of all kinds and to fix maximum and minimum prices—thus depriving themselves for the general benefit of the consumers of more than £20,000,000 of revenue yearly. Here is an idealism that should put to shame all those who have called the Americans the worshippers of- the dollar—an accusation never made against them in these columns.