The papers captured on Austin Stack and others contained such
plain and carefully elaborated advice to the Republicans to end their resistance that it has very naturally been suggested that the Republican leaders carried these documents about in their pockets as a provision against capture. To be taken with no arms, but a written manifesto in favour of peace in one's pocket, would certainly be a help to any man whose personal position was precarious. The decline of the Republican movement in the field -is - the good of the situation ; the bad is the gloomy financial outlook and the very slight probability that the Free State Govern- ment will be able to cope with it. The total expenditure is estimated at about £46,500,000 and the revenue at £26,000,000. With a population of about 3,000,000 the taxation will have to be overwhelming to make both ends meet. There are rumours of a capital levy by means of an appropriation of bank deposits. If such a measure should be put into force credit, as well as con- fidence, would fly the country.