Whichever Of These Solutions Is Favoured, It Still...
provide for the periods intervening between each Imperial Conference, whether it meets every two or every three years. Some sort of permanent consulta- tive body for the Empire,......
Failing An Annual Imperial Conference Of Prime Ministers,...
can be provided in the periods intervening between one Conference and another, usually a term of three years ? It seems to be generally recog- nized that either the functions of......
Prayer Book Revision.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Szn,—The raising of the question of Prayer Book Revision in an acute form has come as a surprise to most Englishmen. They feel that the......
Letters To The Editor.
LORD KITCHENER'S VISIT TO SIR JOHN FRENCH. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sui, — In your issue of the 14th inst. you give importance to a letter from (the then) Sir John......
How Are Seven Free And Self-governing Democracies To Be Kept
in touch with a world-State's ever-changing foreign relations, and at the same time how can the sovereignty of the people in each section of the Empire be adequately safeguarded......
The Order Of Ku Klux Klan Is Rapidly Falling To
pieces through internal dissensions, according to cables from New York. The " Emperor's " palace at Atlanta is occupied by a sheriff, and warrants arc out for the arrest of the......
How Is. Each Part , Of The Empire To Make Its
voice heard in foreign affairs without encroaching upon the prerogatives of the Dominion Parliaments ? An all- Empire Parliament is out of the question. Dominion sentiment would......
In A Brief Survey Such As This It Has Not
been possible to deal in detail with many aspects of this great problem of Inter-Imperial Relations. But enough has been said to show that, whatever machinery may be devised,......
It Is Satisfactory To Learn, From Recent Cables From New
Zealand, that Mr. Massey still hopes to attend the Con- ference. As Mr. Massey is the only Prime Minister in the Empire who held office throughout the War, he ought to be......