21 APRIL 1923, page 8


ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD. BY EVELYN WRENCH. " I personally, however, believe in the establishment forthwith of the closest possible working relations with the British Govern-......

Married Women And Work.—vi.

W E now propose to end the series of articles on married women and their careers, and after the present issue we can print no more letters on this subject. Indeed, " A Working......

Life Memberships.

T HE response to our scheme for Life Membership has been most encouraging, both as regards the quantity and the quality of the persons joining, and the applications still come......

The Page Memorial Fund.

HE following is the list of donations received by the English-Speaking Union and the Spectator for the Page Memorial Fund :- TWELFTH LIST OF DONATIONS. £ s. d. a. d. Anonymous......

The Importance Which Is Attached To The Conference...

evident from the speeches of the leading Dominion statesmen, and from the amount of comment in the editorial columns of the Dominion Press. Each part of the Empire is interested......