21 AUGUST 1886, Page 17


read a letter in your paper of August 14th, from "Emeritus," on which I, as an " Old Blue," for many years most intimately acquainted with Christ's Hospital, feel myself in duty bound to offer a few remarks. First let me say I am very glad this subject has been brought before the public. Secondly, it is only amongst a few of the masters that the office of Warden is considered a mistake. The boys, on the other hand, look on him as a totally distinct being to a master ; they regard him as one to whom they can.briug their troubles, dis- putes, or complaints, confident of his sound, impartial advice. On the other hand, in a far different way do they view their masters, the majority of whom are so cordially disliked•by the boys, that I venture to assert that the governing body have shown their practical good sense and wisdom in giving a total outsider, but one experienced in matters of discipline, the important office of Warden, who will doubtless, unless he be interfered with, carry out his duties to their satisfaction, though not perhaps to that of their "most-effective chief," whose ambi- tion it is to rule the school and all its officers with the power of an autocrat. Thirdly, seven hundred odd boys are divided into different forms under different masters, and it is impossible that the masters, during the few hours set apart each day for school, should have the same knowledge of the boys that the Warden has, whose duty it is to inspect them at their drill, to attend every meal daily, and to be in his office during all play-hours and half- holidays, of which there is a good share at Christ's Hospital. To my certain knowledge, the Warden who has just resigned knows the name and character of every boy at present in the school, a thing which I very much doubt if any master, even the " most effective chief," could say ; and I can testify of him, that he is leaving very much regretted, as well by the Governors, the boys past and present, as by their parents and relations, to whom he has ever shown the greatest kindness and courtesy, thereby gaining for himself their affection, respect, and goodwill for the [We have omitted four lines from this letter, because they seemed to us grossly offensive to the authorities of the school. Our correspondent's plea amounts to this,—That the main work of the school is so badly done, and done with so little success in winning the respect and affection of the boys, that it is needful to appoint a popular man to superintend the play, lest all the departments of the school should not be equally repulsive. That surely, if it were true,—which we do not believe,—would be a reason for reorganising the school, not a reason for the dual government —ED. Spectator.]