Before The Debate On The Address Began In The House
of Commons, Mr. Bradlaugh raised a preliminary skirmish by proposing to abolish the Sessional Order prohibiting the interference of Peers in elections as " a high infringement......
Lord Salisbury Regarded Local Government As Not An Irish...
but as a United Kingdom question, and held that it must be dealt with "on lines generally similar at the same time over the whole country,"—the most dangerous principle, in our......
Lord Salisbury Began By Pointing Out That The Credits...
to the late Government would expire on November 1st, and that had he waited till October to summon Parliament, he might have been in great danger of leaving the Government......
Mr. Tuke's Report On His Distribution Of Seed-potatoes To...
islands off the West Coast of Ireland, from Achill southwards, has been published ; and as it contains an account of his eighth visit daring recent years to this......
The Government Has Increased Its Success Wherever Any Of Its
officers have been challenged for re-election. Thus, Mr. Henry Matthews was returned without a straggle on Wednes- day week ; and yesterday week Mr. Ritchie was returned for the......
Lord Randolph Churchill, In Reply, Urged, Not Perhaps...
that the very fact that Mr. Gladstone was now at the head of the Irish Party afforded a guarantee that that party would not use its power in Ireland to stimulate illegal methods......
The Address Was Moved By Colonel King-harman And Seconded By
Mr. Maclean, who assured Mr. Gladstone that Isla Home-role Bills were dead, and that no one would try to succeed where he had failed. Mr. Gladstone then rose, and in a speech of......
Farther, The Government, Though They Intended To Hold...
the Act of 1881, and to enforce the law giving the landlords the judicial rents, would not scruple to inquire into the alleged inability of a certain class of tenants, since the......