21 AUGUST 1886, Page 2

The Address was moved by Colonel King-Harman and seconded by

Mr. Maclean, who assured Mr. Gladstone that Isla Home-role Bills were dead, and that no one would try to succeed where he had failed. Mr. Gladstone then rose, and in a speech of great tranquillity and dignity, asserted his firm and even growing conviction that the Irish policy of the late Government was conceived wholly on the right lines. He congratulated the Governsaent heartily on having announced no policy of coercion, even though, so far as he could judge, there was more excuse for such a policy now than in January last when Parliament was asked to give special powers for put- ting down the National League. He hinted that this proved the policy of coercion to be at an end ; and with every admission that coercion would not be applied again, he thought that Home- rule for Ireland came nearer. Mr. Gladstone urged the Govern- ment to announce its Irish policy before the winter, and pointed out the great danger of allowing the present favourable moment to pass by, and letting a new " No-rent " cry go forth without having settled the Irish Question while circumstances favoured the measure.