Cosmopolitan Essays. By Sir Richard Temple. (chapman And...
a me adienum puto, might very well be the motto of this volume, for although the papers here collected relate chiefly to the British Empire, they do not deal exclusively with......
The Basilisk. By Henry Pottinger Stephens And Warham St....
(Swan Sonnensohein and Co.)—This is a very clever tale of a certain sort. It would be unfair on the authors to reveal the plot, for the story is essentially one of action, with......
Historical Ethics.*
THIS little book is a fragment only of a complete treatise under- taken jointly by the authors, and interrupted by the death of the elder of the two. The portion now......
Dunalton : The Story Of Jack And His Guardians. By
Louisa M. Gray. (T. Nelson and Sons.)—This is a very simple story. A young Scotch clergyman goes to be tutor to the six-year-old son of a High- land laird, falls in love with......
Current Literature.
The Philosophy of Art : Hegel and Michelet. Translated by W. Hastie, B.D. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.)—The philosophy of Hegel has undoubtedly exercised a powerful influence......
The Cost Of A Lie. By Mrs. H. Lovett Cameron.
2 vols. (F. V. White and Co.)—Mrs. Lovett Cameron is a good story-teller, and she has given a wonderful exemplification of her power in these volumes; for although the......
Mount Seir : Sinai And Western Palestine. By Edward Hull,
M.A. (Richard Bentley and Son.)—In 1884, the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund determined to send an expedition to undertake a geological reconnaissance of Western......
Mountain Ascents. By John Barrow. (sampson Low And Co.)—...
people will be grateful to Mr. Barrow for publishing these notes taken during his visits to the Lakes. They are of just the kind to entice people who have not made up their......
Trust Me. By Mrs. John Kent Spender. 3 Vols. (j.
and R. Maxwell.)—One of Mrs. Spender's characters had christened the town of Middleton, " Muddleton," a joke which, as the authoress remarks, was neither original nor......