Mount Seir : Sinai and Western Palestine. By Edward Hull,
M.A. (Richard Bentley and Son.)—In 1884, the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund determined to send an expedition to undertake a geological reconnaissance of Western Palestine and the Jordan Valley, and offered the leadership to Mr. Hull. The result is this interesting volume. Mr. Hull was accompanied by his son, Mr. Hart, who had been a member of Sir George Nares's Polar expedition, Major Kitchener, R.E., and two others. They proceeded overland to Port Said, and then to Cairo, at which place the real work of the expedition may be said to have commenced ; yet twenty-eight pages are taken up with the account of the not very eventful journey from London to the Egyptian capital. For the rest, the book.before us is a valuable addition to the physical geography of Palestine, and is also an agreeable record of desert travel. It is illustrated with a pro- fusion of excellent maps and plates.