The Cost of a Lie. By Mrs. H. Lovett Cameron.
2 vols. (F. V. White and Co.)—Mrs. Lovett Cameron is a good story-teller, and she has given a wonderful exemplification of her power in these volumes; for although the characters are almost all unnatural, and the plot is of a very hackneyed description, the interest of the narrative is con- siderable. Two sisters, a rough but kind grandfather, a villainous younger son, and a noble cousin, form the material of the main plot. In addition to this, we have a baronet, good-hearted but impetuous; a beautiful governess, who, it is needless to say, becomes his wife ; an earl's daughter, who, it is equally needless to say, is jilted ; and three match-making mothers, all of whose designs are eventually foiled. We have said enough to show that Mrs. Cameron has con- structed a story which is not much more improbable than most novels, is certainly amusing, and is equally certain to have a large number of readers.