- , ,,CLABIC:':WaTTS'S MIMICS OF THE 'ILEA : RT. * Tuts volume consists of
a ielection from Mr. Witts's published poems, 'with 'feiii' new pieces, and Seine contributions by Mrs. Watts. It may therefore be considered as containing, in the au- thor's own opinion, the best smnpleepf his poetical powers, and as furnishing the best means of Judging of n .. :ftw4,se name rests on his fugitive prodtietions, With the 444..1 ■ii et' a small volume . Caned "Poetical Sketches," Originally ritib1ishedin1824. Without being exactly an imitator, Mr. Watts is a conventional t; his merit and his success rest upon something extrinsic. he stanzas beginning "Tull many a gloomy, Month hath pasiee List brought his name into much notice with the:public ; butItlie run of the poem. was less owing to its iMminerit than to its having' been attributgdA Byron. The pieovonwnet.a,palpable imitation . Lyrics of theV‘iiit; with other Poems. ' By AtiriO4*atts. With forty-one Engravings on Steel. Pueiishoo by Longman and Co. •°"="I'''
al_ -
of that poet, and the Micreintij 9 (& ling :. . eel fashionable
were rather out of his way ; 4,944 egotism, gloom, and mystery 'nail i oabyle was by no means an echo of the iniadathroideribulkeekeitkle ratinzas would
I never have been written hall Tibliii Witte' Ititti,„However, it was a success, and seciN8 1-attention for a.. :' ''.1i.r, •• R 1 , 7 sit "-:prVA19-6
,,, I. ' • II': -
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115 Il• 4 ! ..illat, . • ■ I • 1 , ... o • t if141 : . :i. -11,' .
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• , .11.1 b '-'• I : -ThiA 411Z OS Pat , fr (9) 5 ')rjr,TIII AMP NAV/ •timisrt ifi
• i , p .; ,t4thaulannatiVaaa v.arvapt. to , suedo-thmlo1wc,nhicnsJI n iirotty.,-,,e ,,,I. bor",,./7.,,,,E, f,,,fi 74.r, -,Ifolf A 9,-!LIE-Vid• ,,,4tri rlitirrA aintir iii!:7;!te'l'ini, .it,e,01,,Itt-i6-al hiSt'OyiT , lie` '' r thr th'ffhei-liaithis4Allibieleorrestk AIR orikelipi,;)v4ri0,:, and harnionieuS4 n Ilfg) iinctilie!yeharacter which an original, orat.kaat.afli Lave Mink impresses upon its . works, separatiak-Ahemcfrbas ilibbecof other writers : ,,Thervit lip Ortiettlar model',except"tiedii nieiereads like joaiddY ; but thee is no iildfifikl sit'gfeCi.g.. Tar-ti-feiv-Stajkiiiif4yen the reWMtlanee is,k , 1/04y4-7- Some few pieces have a go-11_0f likenessLtal3yron, but hardly suf-
ficient to induceprir . eugrnerality bear a
r eft1'6'411
greater resemblance rli ... rs. I emans. Not that, in
Ayr 0Piuioll,.34%, 'PCP ..,c! L4 d:#ftfSs't MOsPther one of the finsti:and • ahte toile WM fp have been a,sps 11.81r9 (,): WA .119 •
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itiriinsayuiof the e school isT4Islieient in
lighter. anclsen-tiinentaltitalaitaie the strength;•Sad'itaboVeidplifeldraiii ulness Of e reiudedThe *titers (add tlie*Iiiik ,ff)e- d'i 03S-rifi. ers ma .iA114111.1,441FaillggedIgt1A10.gfriigi A1140 -t€110„. tnit that lofty sub'ect • the bring it downrtO iillitrAlifthleve4 of the drawingitiomi ,:•Iti Mr. Watts'sdpodia tai,,thOldoiit)iffstrom- thbre is.natiehot prettiness an T. fOikie ' e ti teiRth a
iort of conventional Roman dittt, and
vigour. ' 1:49.-1..qr#04..of 494 .PYREA is imi1igaewmv.40 the parting from Spain is obnexiotte to e same remark- the obvious sentiments erlfeitrNV Ottq E‘. Nroor °r of the:il°1 Pe 7A.r.,g44, !.iptopnili'p,-- ,. ip. poems on history oyeiito,rpr,a scapesnat.maarmilati .a star terest of individual fortune,fbnt are still, more vague in--character:I The subjetctstaiiwhich iiir.1Wette 6 -eels' 'the' doMegtigeelinge liniehtatgeiV,:,iipikes not, imlelee. log ea6;.tliiiigargfli. the ttritv inil tiffeefitniWythe ,troubleCtliatX,; , 'el' L, ''':e1,y,th" `rt. sen„:-. deiath and 'Mtensity of some; 410, eAegm -ftwenitiee of refined life and the solace of religion eeivein immothness to -his griefujor his passion : but in lyrics of the i0ihoiweVttathbr than of the ',heart,* 'we incline to place hiainciiik,titb ' T, ,lehool. The late Sir Robert ]eel,, inn 14C,i4., he, janfhor, a good many.yearii ago, expreasexia4gat.Pan.-.0x,."bath of the I irat-laire,-.-,. ainl " 313riyagi!Fireside:', - We :know nut whether the following stomas were ,then,-Written,. but vrel are- disposed to rate them hi heri..fl stilijAt-'.b.f'an• early passion; looked lirt*:iiiiien with fee regret:. is ZdsS hacknied. than destb,a0 firesides, and,, I '- perhaps so obvious, is quito,aeigeiteral. It is treated', nage and delicacy, and the versed% easier in its flow thantheetaitobfita.
: ;air i
vourites of Sir Robert PeeL s ails .” we 'met wheniboite andlfe were new ' ''..' '''• - "`.•?,. When all we looked on smiled; -'7 i ',N ''al, ,fl')i-iiin And Panes Wand around us threw : I '=i'fil £0011 fTil ,„, Enchantments, sweet as wild: -"1/ '..) tK)-u,31,1 "13 Ours were the light and bounding hearts :11 Trio:: of eoesialovi The wbriii,had yeven wring.; • H' C1 tsin3q(15 The Mom, 4ldt,Wnek it once departs. Airna 979W eouren Can knotv.kiel ilieond spring. 7.,,11- -.. ,,: :. ! , P0-81 79d171959a " What thoih101 ‘40:wasneveral;'tif 1711 1' '-'°/"At el B;+,. thilit V won enot be controlled, ' reta‘,-,5611.. ,,-.7. Its growing strength was shown1;'- - .'I "I'-'0"/38"1 The'!tiltit..14 That thiiiled'ns aitdi'tfelight ; ii.9,'1,i1-1r-7.15,111A. Al The glance, by - -iiiit,i, edt 3.1siA mi:,. .,,;( ..)itt log-AUDI 5113
y art. nt
In one short moon; ill b 'eta fi "A) 11":'1111I'l Is dr-win '-" Thaftender tratliree r700i 'Cl:,..Iii 'grri1.,:11,J1 ni rm bas • k-orlizi laoidua sti tarsi mil lo
, "WeTarted, chillirig'ipo
• '-) Tiiii-it iktyjn-most soul-Walk 150'5 550 5.5co.wesa 9 KII 'I 'N' 3 10 19Abill6lefil3illkS tied`alion in Dalt Imiirtaarioa . I dared not breathe' ti-1, limoiirgo'l(101.) 11.111 AnPitsiVe i ,stle e'4 t/suoinavi bun btensel kj Ir10notthrl glaieeuioP on ii I902 sit} lo xtilo.tioni '-Arates 13 s`ure ' • -thy- vieltling r,th leinigil. .lemiqinamu • 1 rwe.fit..,,„ aid ii,..aini. :,.,c.., c ,noirtiqo ...,...`UIRT. noting :TIC 'thou sill lo noLiasi Yet still a spell was in enir,'"'''' l" 'El' "! . Of magic power to me; , • „a rIti)(1,..5.3/„4„.sl'cirTli-10°.fla 9itiailtio:fliallit That bade me strive for weitliN e .3dT .noini o LICM 'Se Inc w°11,11T 04°61' -r - d Juilifingqn laiou °grim: -4ti1/4 ‘letigihroeeli iii414 in - "iiri) . • "Nehiti *OilioO7d's'drealii 1ik o4n5 "a °I'-'Lli`j ""ii°6 j' n° [.waii lo mioq in sucl, erintra-A. sal
c741 bobai 43.1 lo Bleed ablif esniTI fru-pfaid ati ,rentslei sabsbrorri s With nothing left to hope or fear,
I orid ill ollemie on.. I vssissaa.32, 5:t?, 5% .15%,t, \t,,o1 _
1.1 ';'`) ="More satredtiei at-teigtli are.'duli,91a10.91 1571 , TiiL41701 A,s, dear as tbope. of yore ,• ter trke kutimint1 So'uv oS5)1 tvutt-Ci.9And.tia - nA veJileemed for us on T ab -.14:-.,vnBoikimgVanstAstkaPbe . What once thou, w • -;i8)b u sqe In .ifI9p70q. od Ter e.ew elsrlse Sapid *fine Y.191a.-sja hot ,ctrodg tuteihroo blirow eatriMat, ebl,troiAtifbnlIeetcjoulJahnitit sill 10 odes tea Bosom ti ,se•-sevio WY !MOM° lisliViriff 'd fluitilW nesd 0-fed 79v9fr -eim.siti 1oI dolidell Ur iirose fins t82939118 a arm -19111 • bla7/79na ifIT'illl II T> if{ 7.E.f 1.0 jne 1. • 1.
more gratifiingcause wholly unsought and unexpected by me.:.'Aors's (fsq444140..-Str; leTtol'tqls-in a lettIlVAltjP0,401)11t6trgaltWn to receive from ysiarili826,) from were. coortesy 1. assure you that your fed by Tue. - T have had the sathition of reading many o o I-particularly call to mind: two—'The Death' ,qf the Firstlio and 'My own 'Fireside to have written Which 'Vonidibe an...heneurable:disitinctien.tciairy.ene.' Eighteen years afterwards, OLTS:84.1**91:4•44 -thr9s1190166 5lAiles0t011,0 digFoul a-Trea, sillorintrcke,#t.farqty sen„; #*.enly it few months Jarevious to his :la- ir,tteL death; '1 "ree-eired-thi odditoirial and unsolicited prod of the interest to: take' iitin.YACielfrire." sorpi By, 4* nor 111ili oiqg tl tV 414 Mile° if3 e AN lir
libent.diltdaittkb &the stildeffily ger 060411 g