MACGREC.OR ' S EASTERN . MELODIES.. • This pretty publication will be interesting to the amateurs of na melody. It contains curious specimens of the music ' of tj sct differen t......
Fine Arts.
KR. GRUNDY'S ivm-rER EntorxxoN. (SECOND Norms.) CATTERMOLE'S numerous contributions to this gallery are the best productions of his hand exhibited within the year. The spirit of......
Military Gazette.
WAR-oreres, Dec. 20.-2d Re g t. of Dra g . Guards-Lieut.- C. E. Walker Ito be Capt. by.purchase, vice Dallas, who vetires; Cornet J. O'Hara to -he Lieut. by pur- chase, vice......
On the 8th December, at Florence, Mrs. Barin g , of a son. . On the 13th, at Oak Hill, Aecnn g ton, Lady Gerrie, of a dau g hter. On the 13th, at Piston Park, Dulverton..the......
Commercial Gazette.
- Tuesday, .December 17. PARTNERSHIPS DissoLven.-Parkin and Hildyard, Scarborou g h, linen-drapers-- Reeves and Holmes, Bath, marble-masons-Taylor and Co. Crompton, Lancashire,......
Results -of T■er ,,,,* : -10bileref* Bf"intiftt I Rt - '...
for the weaK tili A ,, . o ' , , 'Mgr% X ..111W.-.12416i; Wets* •ii4t , ' WerLUe 4 96VPiti . 4,f04 8 ,1 yeaN0-411atm9,r.. ,1941.11 ,4r4(1141:4411; ftbillO ; busiT91nu8 ,eld" ,......