MACGREC.OR'S EASTERN. MELODIES.. • This pretty publication will be interesting to the amateurs of na melody. It contains curious specimens of the music' oftjsct different AStatie nations, accompaniaby lively and fanciful (lest tiiitionir and corno Media on the xeople and the:Seer:wry of the ciamtries wherelir. Vargrek. ger'efilletcl. them. Airs given in hooka' of 'travels are seldom trust- Worthy, as it requires nics* to note them down accurately than tr. Tellers usually Toikiss;:;tubldr. B.inegresor gives, a satisfactory acesaUtft frani4.11e Egptló,dieek, lewif+h. 4/2: el1/2 .M4tratlirderPONr-Zple*" 41J14 ; Wit4 F4e*.qF at" an Iltui tfons. sgsyssejny,: of his manner of write/4114; tigilern nikddirth,l. tallcithere is internal evidence of their genuineness. Thoy-aro-vrild and unsophisticated, and they have that peculiatiqm‘ebaraoterewhich:eppeera to be common to altilie:musiirof the East. -NSonteeof them are mere fragments,of two or three-Yars,-such as the cgl of the Muezzin to evening .prey,es, imai t4,,,eL Nile Aram's' music; others are more extende:d.; and one iar&Thi; thin ".Greeklelleby Id lifaratlum,", Wants nothing but English wordOWniake; a pretty little song. The first la-the oollecticin, the Nile Boat-songviluia reserahlance to the Eastern Melody which Weber has Inketx whICIiiith' happy effect as the subject of- the night-march ,of. the haroningeail: in -the finale do -the- first act-of Oberon. • It is one ' of- -tho"thingsi iay Which stamp a fable on stThonectioniTtillie- resenWfrey furnish interesting material l to the'ebinpokr411,OL 'Lb Ion ingmious use of a sin* frai'mieflf ' ef,,gpintine national mg*, ' 'rnevlidat.*.olggiliv, Mr- Macgregoes piatuiforte -itetioilipanintynits betiey -now- and then an awkwardness Which shows ineaspeiaince; ' but they are quite simpfe, and never pervert the character of thenitilod3',•as accompaniments BO often do. The profits al' this, as well as of the author's Three Days in the East, mid* we formerly noticed, are devotdd to the Ragged School Union.