21 DECEMBER 1850, page 6

Our Indefatigable - Correspondents Are Respectfully...

a liolyday at Christmas: we - haoe already more Letters on 'hond 'than* will be possible C insert in our - neYt number.......

An Oxfordshire Paper Has A Narrative Of The "escape" Of

a younglady from the convent at Banbury. The young lady ‘9216 known in the eon.- vent as Sister Antonia; her worldly name" is unknown, but she is un- derstood to be very highly......

- 1 ..) 1 71 1 1 1 : 411 7: 1 4t G Il )' ?v9 1- ,.) .1- ;...

;effeard i te, i the-,appeptanoe, OA* -Ailnea- Emerson nent, late ;Colonial Suoretsry a g i Ocylon,-,-)3siffistoZifitios `Letter. • • -Itis -paid; that thenSnoiety bflAhilSouls......


The columns of the dallyjournals are lightly burdened with newolliin morning. Of foreign events there is an absolute dearth, and of home only the most sneagresu,pply. The Queen......