21 DECEMBER 1850, Page 18


-Tuesday, .December 17. PARTNERSHIPS DissoLven.-Parkin and Hildyard, Scarborough, linen-drapers-- Reeves and Holmes, Bath, marble-masons-Taylor and Co. Crompton, Lancashire, cotton-spinners; as far as regards J. Taylor-Faulkner and Co. Manchester, manu- facturers-J. and-W. Hook, Liverpool, briclaners-Rougier and Sons, York, Comb- manufacturers; as far as regards 11.1tougier-floberts and Co. Manchester, machine- makers; as jar as regards B. Fothergill-Edling and Co. Liverpool, merchants-RV; F. and J. Dunn, London Road, butchers-S. and 0.-Crisp, Herbert Street, Eianiureg atiszknitcsitmg::_:erpkaltsti_ii, N,,Faktirgilderber

Street-Whitehouse ani Peacock, Oldbury, coal-nrasterti Ificafe Bffwaurraltee4GtomisturanteffIrtnaltatliasin* Dibbler:9

II ;101* ten 84111 4 41109f47t40 r,

batik fffdlinalni : • • I Ands. Phiet,404114t0 Streetplaigtne.

housekeeper, Dec. 31, Jan. 24: sakidtnrilliarbitme,EbneekrAtetetiptifiltialltibitiPinee Gronsn...Abdurech....Lane..-arrmr a Rn.217.14 _SYindraill _Street, GraYeseed,_rictualler. - Dec. 23. r CD. a: solieitor7c,11UrTineautead,r1U-yruond s ; ffi&a1 as- signee, Pennell, Guildhellekkilebedir--iffaatatkt fdbviadDittabidet, linen-draper, Dee.

"4, #M1,11.21 Itauft,

dedek's Place • Weights, Sunderland; official assignee, Baker, Newcast1e-upon- Tynejs5'ff

• DIV/Wm.- liveabreenup senior, Present, Lancashire, coal7PDARTO1B7,8144'• 8, . zfinienirmsk41/2.0.444iiiins;g404kitis 4414P0-1-.1.:10104, Barlonatetitatow, Lancashire. flannel-manufacturer, 43anfgkcerm.-r8-bi granted; 'Una* eintSibeiluarbild Vhienn fret •*, e4lMethtVf La'rers,'Soultimeptnn„ grater-Jen. 8, IlaWke, klag, Willitni Street,

liatteran:13; F. and La;,11tark.iWitter•Litue, ship-brokers-Jan. 10„ Daes mid ExaddDelt. Entzingdon Street, glass-merchants-Jan. 9, Gerlach, Newcastle-upon- Tone,mierchant--Jan. 9, Doon,Tlyniouth, ironmonger.

Deetaaszroxs or Drerntans.--Robinson, Ripon, surgeon; first div. of 2s. any day on or after Dec. 17; -Young, Leeds-Eastwood, Faniley Tyas, manufacturer; firstdiv. of is. 214 any day on and after Dec. 17 ; Young, Leeds-Broadbeut, fax,-draper; •fast div; of 5s. Dee. 19, or any subsequent Thursday ; Freeman, Leeds -T'eofold, Arundet, ironmonger; first div, of is. 6d. Dee. 21, and three subsequent Saturdays ; -Groom, Abchurch Lane-Rickman, lialleham, innkeeper; first div, of lid. any Wednesday; Whitmore, BasingliallSticet-Mmeneloe, High Street, 'Pop- lar,-groeer ; first div. of Sid. any Wednesday; 'Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Bien- div. of I7,1. Dec. 19. and' three subsequent. Ttairsffaya;.15ransfeld,11fisingliall Street-Stiles, Lisle Strcet, coppersniith; second div. of Is. 4Arl. Dee. 19, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansteld, Basinghall Street-hlarentie, King William Street, merchant; third div. of Ss. Ind. Dec. 19, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall-Street-F.' and C.'Sandars, Der- by, corn-merchants ; first die. of lad. on the joint estate, first dlr.. of •83. 6d. on the separate-estate of E. Sanders; and first die: of Is. 8d. on the separate estate of C. Sanders, Dec. 21, or any alternate Saturday ; Bittleston, Nottingham-Ellins, Droitnich, salt,manufacturer ; second die, of id. any Thursday ; Christie, Birming- ham.

Scorcit Searmszaxems.-Brwle, Uigle, Angyleshire„ farmer, Dec. 23, Jan. 16.

Friday, _December 20.

PARTNERSHIPS- DISSOLVED.--Creft and Co. Royal Exchange Buildings, mining- share-dealers-S. and J. Clough, Ashton-under-Lyne, tailors -13liarpley and Law- rence, Louth, coalrmerchants-Teeker and Steaveuson, Threadneedle Street, actor- rdes-Drake and Fry, Chelmsford, confectioners-Moore and-Short, North Wharf Rood., Paddington, marble-cutters-Wilson and Co. Sheffield, iron-founders ; as far as regards T. Wilson-E. and M. Rowe, Hoye, keepers of a ladies' boarding-school -Webb and lieuernan, Castle Leaky, Derry, engineers-Smith and pf hittaker, Bir- mingham, linen-drapers-Tinker and Shaw, Hyde, Cheshire, surgeons-Haigh and Son, Leeds, dyers; as far as regards T. Haigh--Phibbs and Osborn, Crutchedfriars, wine-merchants-Hammond and Co. Ansley, Staffordshire, coal-proprietors; as far as reg.:rds G. Hawthorne-Bowlby and Dalton, Hull, stock-brokers-Bradbury and Ce.Stoke-upon-Trent, manufacturers _Melina; as far as regards .1. Bradbury-W. and E. Warueford, York, linen-drapers-Smart Deli Colliery Company, Whitecroft, Gloucestershire; as far as regards J. Carter and E. Morgan-Dewlarrst and New- man, Bull Head Court, Renate Street, booksellers-Norton and Co. Old Broad , Stem‘land-vabiers; as far as regards .1. Oakley-Pla.t and Clayton, Stockport, stone-masons -Waterlow and Sons, Birchin Lane, law-stationers; as far as regards J. WaterlowSquarrey and Squarrey, attornies.

BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.-WILLIAld MAYER, Bateman's Row, Shoreditch, timber- merchant.

BANKETYPTS.-Jolis Voman, Portsea,builder, to surrender Jan. 4, Feb.-15; solici- tor, M'Low, Chancery Lane; official assignee, Nicholson, Basing,hall St.-Samurr JEwrIrrES Eltham, maltster, Jan. 4, Feb.15 :solicitors, Hillinry, Fenchurch St. ; offi- cial assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Cluunliers -TIMiLVIEVANS, Fen Ditton, Cambridge- shire, innkeeper, Dec. 31, Jan. 31: solicitors, Trinder and Eyre, John Street, Bed- ford Row ; Twiss and Marshall, Cambridge; official assignee, Groom, Abehurch Lane-JAmrs MAYHEW CANSDALF, Norwich, draper, Dec. 31, Jan. 31: solicitor, Jones; Size Lane ; official assignee Groom, Abctiurch Lane-Somer. Wrmserr sen. Cheltenharn,,plumber, Jan. 1, 29: solicitor, Packwood„Cheltenbam; official assignee Hatton, Biistal-JOIIN LINDSAY, Neath, • grater, Jan. 1, 29: solicitors, Britten ani Sons, Briatol; official assignee, Acraman, Ilnstol-,-Wmman LAYCOOK, Liverpool, iron-raerobant, Jan. 6,25 fsolicitor, Dodge, Liverpooi; official assignee, Mor,gan, Liverpool-Cnenrrs Boamso3r, 'Liverpool,sailmaker, Jan. 2, 31; solicitor, Holden, Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool--Seartanis FREDERICK MARTYN, Bishop Auckland, draper, Dec. 31, r,eb. 11: solicitor, Cooper, Sunderland ; official assignee, Wakley, Newcastle-npou-Tyne.

Drernsens.-Jan. 10, O'Neil, Golden Square, picture-dealer-Jan. 15, Thompson, Piccadilly, linen-draper-Jan. 15, Johnson ;jun. Uxbridge, carrier-Jan. 14, Arthur, Gadick 11111, stationer-,Jan. 11, Angle, Moorfields, victualler-Jan. 11, Paine and Davies. High Street, Southwark, woollen-drapers-Jan. 11, Priam, St. Osyth, Essex, cortt-snerchant-4an. 11, .Cranston, Wimborne Minster, Dorsetshire, cabinet-maker -Jan. 11, llyrons, John Street, Tottenham Court 'toad, pianoforte-manufacturer- Jam 11, Barker and Davey, Bicester, Oxfordshire, drapers-Jan. 11, Hodge and Culpin, New Oxford Street, tailors-Jan. 13, Ward, Brc•wnlow Street, Drury Lane, coiseh-eurrier-Jan. 13, Beach, Woolwich, victualler-Jan. 13, Bennett, Clapham Rise, soda-water-manufacturer-Jan. 13, Leigh, Liverpool, merchant-Jan. 13, Domfard, Suffolk Lane, Cannata Street, wine-merchant-Jan. 11, Reynolds, Upper Street, Islington, grocer-Jan. 14, Williams, Newport, Monmouthshire, auctioneer- Jan. 14, Bird, •Cwmavon, Glamor„..anshire, grocer-Jan. 13, Baker, Manchester, size- manufacturer-Jan. 21, W. and S. Shaw, Saddlewarth, timber-merchants-Jan. 14, Gray and Williams, Chester, engineers-Jan. 15, Loosemore, Tiverton, scrivener- Jan.-15, Page, Sidmouth, butcher-Jan. 23, Parnell, East Lose, grocer.

CZETIFICATES.-To be granted, unless cause be shoran to the contrary, on the day of nusetIng.-Jan.14, Lock, Stoke D'Auberton, Surrey, auctioneer-Jan. 21, Wesley, Newport Paged, hotellmeper-Jan. 21, Turner, Worthing, draper- -Jan. 13, Jones, Llarifyllin, Montgomeryshire, grocer-Jan. 15, Taylor, Rochdale, cotton-spinner- Jan. 18, Pearson, Sheffield, eicundler-Jan. 14, Edwards, Birmingham, iron-founder -Jan 21, Livesey and Pimm, New Lenten, Nottinghamshire, face-makers--Jan. 24, Wad, Holbeach, draper.

DRCIAR1.310203 or Dierarsoas.-Bell, Hull; first div. of 3s. 6d. Dec. 24, or any sub- semeent Tuesday; Carrick, Hull -Rawson, Market Eaten, seed-merchant; first div. of Se. Dec. 24, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Carrick, HOG-Thorpe, Kirton, Lin- colushi.e, scrivener ; first and final div. of 65d. Dec. 24, nr any sub .equent Tuesday; Carsick, Hull-M`Gibbon and Galbreath, Hull, merchants; first div. of 48. Dec.24, or any subsequent Tuesday; Carrick, Hall-Canipling, Norwich, haberdasher; first div..of Is. 6d. Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Bason, Buckingham, hootmaker ; first div. of 28. 4d. Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abehurch Lane-Blackmore, Cork Street, tailor; fourth and final div. of 3d. Satanlay next, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abehurch Lane-Eddison, Rastrick, Yorkshire, woollen-manufacturer ; first and final-div. of 2s. Sid. Dec.24, or any subsequent Monday or Tuesday ; Hope, Leeds -Pouter, Bradford, Yorkshire, grocer ; first div. of 3s. Dec. 24, or any subsequent Monday or Tuesday • Hope, Leeds-Bond, Huddersfield, stationer ; first div. of 4.e. Der-24,acany subsequent Monday or Tuesday; Hope, Leeds-Knight, Lancaster. tea-dealer; .first and final, die. of 5.1d. Dec. 31., or any subsequent Tuesday; Fraser, Manchester-Thomas, Bridgewater, coal-merchant ; first and 'final div. of 8d. any Tuesday or Friday after Dec. 27; liernaman, Exeter-Williams, Accrington, Lan- cashire, chstper ; first div. of is. M. Dec. 31, or any spbsequent Tuesday; Fraser, Meneheiter-Leis, Wednesburv, coach-iron-work-manufacturer; second die. of 5jd. angThursday ; Whitmore, Birmingham.

Seovett SEQUEsTRATIONS.-Weir, Cumnoek, ironmonger, Dec. 27, Jan. 20-Russell, Glasgow, printer, Dec. 25, Jail. 15 -Harthill_and Salcuoul, Glasgow, printers, Dec. 17-1tourie, Greenock, cabinet-,maker, Dec. 26, Jan. 14. eszAPiOn