At the -commencement of the week the English Stock Market was heavy, and the price of Consols for Account declined to 961. It has been since ra- ther *firmer ; and, after being at 97, the -closing price of Consols this after- noon is 961- /. As is usually the case at this period of the year, when the books tithe Coneffis *re closed, the money transactions have been unimport- ant, and the general basiness upon a limited -wale. The premium of Exche- quer Bills continues the same, and the rate of interest is without change. The foreign exchanges are still depressed ; the rate open Paris being 24-85 to 24-90, or rather lower than last week ; on Hamburg and Amsterdam with- out improvement. The price of silver is also the same-611d. per ounce ; thelnee having been kept steady by the large recent arrivaL -The transactions Of the Foreign Market have not been so extensive as usual; speculation having- in some degree received a check from the increased value of money. At the settlement of the Account on 'Tuesday last, the hiterest paid to carry over Stock till the 31st instant ranged from 5 to 12 per cent. This large rate, however, was only paid upon Mexican and some of the South American and Spanish Stocks; Russian, Dutch, and the other Northern Euro- pean Stocks being scarce, and money obtainable upon them on much lower terms. The price of Mexican Stock has been well supported; the closing quotations today, after an insignificant fluetu ition being so k. Peruvian also is rather firmer. A slight impulse wns yesteiday.given to Spanish Ac- tive; the price having risen to 19, and Veit of the Three per tents to 40: the market is not quite so firm today. Portuguese Four per Cents are also from to I per cent higher. The Railway Share Market improved on.Monday and Tuesday, and the advance in the two days was from 11. to 2/. per share as compared with last week's prices. The upward movement, however, received a cheek, and in the last two days prices have fallen back to nearly the whole extent of the
rise. Some considerable business has occurred in the Railway Shares, particularly in those of the Northern and Central lines ; but without occa- sioning any materiel change in price. The market has been well supplied with &aces from Paris ; vihich has checked the previous -tendeney to -im- provement
SATURDAY rgraLva o'clock. The English Funds opened at the prices of yesterday afternoon ; Consols for Account being 96i k. Scarcely any business has since orieurred, and the market is now steady at the opening quotation. In the Foreign Market, Neenah Active Stock is the prmcipal attraction. An official communication received from the Spanish Government, in setiliplomatie phrase, speaks of the unalterable determination of the Government to do justice to the Bondhold- ers, but omits all mention of the proposed conversion : the price of Active Stook has consequently declined about per cent, and is now 181 6. The other Foreign Bonds are without material change. No business of import- ance has occurred in Railway Shares.
SaittliDAY Two o'Ctorn. -The 'English Funds class at the morning's quotations, without the occur- rene,eof any business of importance. Scarcely- any ehents,e has occurred in Foreign. Stocks sin whioh the followintiti the official record t liminess trana- aelniesChilian, 404.; leiter Deferred; 62-; Mexican, 3561 f / • Russian Five per Cents, 1101 ; Four-and-a-half per Cents, 98; Spatuigh Active, 1841; Ditto-Three per -Cents, 401-1 401 Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, ; -ditto Four per Cents, 90. Railway She Market is still improving, almost all the current va- rieties being at higher prices than yesterday. The French Shares still con- tinue in -demand, and notwithstanding some extensive sales on French account, are higher. The following is the list of the principal bargains— Aberdeen, 101 ; Bristol and Exeter, 76; Chester and Holyhead, 17; Ditto Preference, 14k Easterntotnities, 6& ; Ditto New Preference per Con 18; Great Western, 781 k 91 9 ; Ditto New, 171., 11/ ; Lancashire an 11; East Lancashire, 13; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 301; Great Northern, 171 Yorkshire, 581 91; Ditto Quarter-shares, 81 91; Ditto Fifths, 4j 1; Lon. don and Blackwell, 71; London and North-western, 1261 71 7; -London and South-western, 79k 9 80 ; Midland, 481 1 ; Norfolk, 221; North British, 91 91; Ditto Preference, 5; Northern and Eastern, 91 ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 181 19 181; South-eastern and Dover, 234 1; York, Newcastle' and Berwick, 186 196; Ditto Extension 14 131 14; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference 51; York and North Extension, 231 ; Boulogne and Amiens, 91 ; Central of France, (Orleans and Tierzon,) 16 A; East Indian, 121; Northern of France, 151 1 ; Orleans and Bordeaux, 31 1; Paris and Rouen, 27H; Rouen and Havre' 111 11; Tours and Nantes, 5 t ; St. John del-Rey, 14.1; Australasian, 30k; London Joint Stock, 19.
3 perCent Consols shut Danish 3 per Cents 75 7 Ditto for Account 961 Dutch 24 per Cents
8 per Cent Reduced 971
Ditto 4.per Cents 88 90
54 9i
31 per Cents 98 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 3541
Long Annttities 71 13-13 Peruvian 6 per Cents 81 9-
Bank Stock 2134 2141 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842„ 344 84 Exchequer Bills 64 6, pm Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 81 4
India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 109 ,111
Brazilian 5 per Cents 87 9 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 181 1 Belgian 41 per Cents 89 91 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 tj.
C 6 per Cents 102 4 Venezuela
Danish 5 per Cents 100 101