[To THE EDITOR OF THE "seam:roam SIR,—Your correspondent " Contentus
sorts meit " (Spectator, December 14th) must have set many people thinking and wondering " how it's done." I conclude he must be a curate, for no incumbent would be likely to change his " living " thirty times in as many years. Curates certainly are compelled from sheer necessity to study the art of cheap living, but this one, I should say, " takes the cake." I conclude, too, that no servant was kept, for that alone runs into a matter of £40 or £50 a year even in the country, and I do not see that any margin is left for medical attendance, or even for education. I have had some experience of living on a small income as well as on a fairly large one ; but your correspondent's statement completely baffles me, and I feel that I must have been fright- fully extravagant at one period of my career. If he could give a few more details of his expenditure, it would be useful to the large class of spendthrifts who are struggling along and getting into debt on three times his income, as well as instructive to students of household economy like myself.—