[to The Editor Of The "seam:roam Sir,—your Correspondent...
sorts meit " (Spectator, December 14th) must have set many people thinking and wondering " how it's done." I conclude he must be a curate, for no incumbent would be likely to......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator:1
SIR,—In answer to your correspondent " A Bad Economist" (Spectator, November 30th), may I, after a long experience of a similar income, suggest the following division P—Rent,......
Middle-class Expenditure.
[To TER EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Before proceeding to the remarks which I have in mind regarding this very interesting subject, I should like to be allowed to express......
[to The Editor Or The "spectator. "] Sir, — The Letters...
inserted on the subject of incomes and expenditure are most interesting, and I think extremely instructive. I fancy " A Bad Economist" must feel that his case excites small......
[to Thr Editor Op The "sprotator.1
SIR, —In your issue of the 14th inst. your correspondent " Con- tentus sorte men" writes that on an income of £160 to £170 per annum he brought up "a large family, all of whom......
£170 A Year.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPROTATOR.1 SIR, — It is well known that many clergymen's incomes are small. But your correspondent " Contentns sorts men" (Spectator, Decenther 14th)......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator...]
SIR,—Having seen "A Bad Economist's" letter, I venture to send you the particulars of my expenditure of about £2,000 a year. I may say that I have kept very careful accounts for......