Tsetse-fly And Sleeping Sickness.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your comment on Mr. Tallack's letter in the last issue of the Spectator you say, and very justly, that if big- game is the cause of......
Mrs. Browning's Birth-year. [to The Editor Of The...
mistake made by your reviewer of the "Eversley" Tennyson (Spectator, December 14th) with regard to the year of Mrs. Browning's birth is still so common that it may be worth......
[to The Editor Or The "spectator. "] Sir, — The Letters...
inserted on the subject of incomes and expenditure are most interesting, and I think extremely instructive. I fancy " A Bad Economist" must feel that his case excites small......
Approaching Extinction Of Interesting Animals.
• [TO THE EDITOR OP THX "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Mr. Tallack, who writes to you about the extinction of interesting animals (Spectator, December 14th), is apparently not aware that......
An Old-fashioned Rhyme.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Can any of your readers help me to find an old- fashioned rhyme on the Kings and Queens of England beginning :- " William the First, as......
Nicholas Tchaikovski.
[To me EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—In some of the English papers notice has been taken of the arrest in St. Petersburg of Nicholas Tchaikovski, Russian Liberal who has......
" The Mollusc " And Jane Austen.
1.11 . 0 TRH EDITOR OP THIS .SPIICTATOR." Sin,—There will doubtless be a snowstorm of able letters against " C. M. D. D.'s " extraordinary proposition to take Mrs. Norris from "......