21 DECEMBER 1907, Page 2

We cannot leave the subject of feeding school-children from the

rates without protesting against the disgraceful action of the Daily News in heading its leading article on the decision of the County Council, "Let them Starve." A more unjust and unjustifiable suggestion it would be difficult to imagine. The Daily News has every right to hold and express its own views strongly and to hit its opponents hard, but to impute cynical callousness and cold-blooded barbarity is utterly unworthy of English journalism, and must lower the paper in the opinion of all fair-minded men. Those who oppose feeding the children out of the rates may be wrong, but we venture to say that they think and care about the true

interests of the children far more than those who in their levity and ignorance are as careless in regard to pauperising the coming generation as they are in regard to the burdens laid upon the poor, or the slanderous accusations which they prefer against their opponents.