21 DECEMBER 1907, Page 27
NEW EDIT1ONS.—The Poetical Works of John Milton. With Introduction and
Notes by Arthur Waugh. (Collins's Clear- Type Press. 3s. 6d.)—From the same publishers, The Old Curiosity Shop, by Charles Dickens (2s. and 2s. 6d.) ; The Old Lieutenant and his Son, by Norman Macleod, D.D. (3s. (id.) ; Juliette, the Mail Carrier, by Bessie Marehant (5s.)—The Good Old Times. By J. C. Wright. (Elliot Stock. Os. net.)— Sesame and Lilies. By John Ruskin. (George G. Harrap. 18.6d. net.)—To-day on the Nile. By H. W. Dunning, Ph.D. (Gay as Bird. 10s. 6d. net.)