ITo TUC EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In your last issue Sir Herbert Stephen (writing under the heading of " How Ought We to Deal with the Kaiser ? ") says : " No one has made any sort of reply in the Times to the proposi- tions contained in my letter." This is an inaccuracy of a very inaccurate kind. His letter appeared in the Tinges of Saturday. November 30th, and on the next possible day, Monday, December 2nd, the Times published a letter from me in which I said :- " Sir Herbert Stephen is quite right in saying that no one can be tried for making war. . . . He is wrong when he says that no Court exists before which an individual can be brought on n 'charge of ordering his officers to commit outrages.' During this war certain acts have been committed which by the perfectly clear rules of International Law are punishable with death. Many of these offences have been committed on French soil, and Marshal Pooh is the proper person to deal with them."
And in the Times of December 5th I set out some of the crimes to which I referred—a statement which is now confirmed by you in your " News of the Week." He supposes that these acts are con- demned, but that no punishment is provided. He is wrong; the punishment is death—but the sentence must be passed before the terms of Peace are signed. It cannot be passed afterwards. 1 further expressed the opinion that it would be a great tactical blunder to pass such a senteuce.—I am, Sir, &c., Carlton Club, Pall Mall, S.W. 1. A. H. HASM.