21 DECEMBER 1918, page 1

Lord Milner Published In Thursday's Papers A Reply To A

corre- spondent who asked why we had sent troops to Russia " to meddle with her internal affairs," and how long we meant to keep them there. No one who had read the newspapers......

Mr. Wilson, In Replying To His Fellow-president's "...

" at the Elysee, said that in all he had done he had tried to translate the thoughts of his people into action. They desired to establish the eternal principles of right and......

Paris Was, If Possible, Even More Enthusiastic Than Brest In

acclaiming Mr. Wilson. It was a welcome by the citizens, of whom President Wilson will become one, by edict of the Paris Muni- cipality. M. Poincare, at the Elysee, testified to......

A British Cruiser Squadron In The Baltic Arrived On Thursday

week at Revel, the chief port of Esthonia. Its mission is to help that unhappy little nation, which, after having been robbed by the German troops, now runs the risk of......

Marshal Foch At Trbvca On Saturday Last Prolonged The...

with Germany by a month to January 17th. He reserved the right to occupy the neutral zone east of the Rhine, from Cologne northward to Wesel, if he deemed it necessary. He......

News Of The Week.

P RESIDENT WILSON reached Brest on Friday week, making a landing which would have been historic, apart from the momentous cause of his visit ; he was the first President of the......

The British Army Crossed The Rhine At Cologne And Bonn

on Thursday and Friday week and occupied the bridgehead east of the river. General Plumer himself took the salute of his splendid troops, the Cavalry, the 29th and 9th......

*.• The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...

letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his best to return contributions in case of rejection.......

The Paper Shortage.

TO OUR READERS.—It is now necessary for readers to place a definite order for the " Spectator" with their Newsagent or at one of the Railway Book- stalls. Should any reader......