The Baghdad Railway, Mr. Ward Price Stated In Monday's...
has been completed during the war as far as Nisibin, a hundred miles west of Mosul The great tunnels through the Taurus and Anti-Taurus are finished, so that there is railway......
Correspondents Have Drawn Our Attention To A Letter Which...
peared in several American papers signed by Mt. Bertrand Shadwell. Mr. Shadwell points out that the Spectator had suggested that the United States might " take over as large a......
Admiral Beatty's Farewell Speech To The American Sixth...
under Admiral Rodman, printed in Wednesday's papers, expressed the mingled feelings with which every true sailor regarded the abject surrender of the German High Sea Fleet. " It......
Lord Milner Published In Thursday's Papers A Reply To A
corre- spondent who asked why we had sent troops to Russia " to meddle with her internal affairs," and how long we meant to keep them there. No one who had read the newspapers......
Dr. Sidonio Paes, The President Of The Portuguese...
assassinated in the streets of Lisbon on Saturday last. He had exercised supreme power for just a year, as the revolution by which he overthrew his predecessor, Dr. Machado, had......
No Doubt There Have Been Real Reasons For The Long
delay in dis- tributing the Crown droits to the Navy. The old Victorian Pro- clamation which provided for the distribution of prize money was superseded by an Order in Council......
Our Argument Was That On Grounds Of Humanity Germany Should
in no conceivable circumstances be allowed to resume control of her Colonies. She had proved herself utterly unfit to rule native races, and the native races must be secured......
Under The Regulations The Navy Cannot Speak For Itself. But
we all know only too well what happens when those who can and do speak for themselves address demands to the Government. The Government instantly yield. The Prime Minister......
The Claims Which Belgium Will Make At The Allied Conclave
on the Peace terms are now clearly, though unofficially, foreshadowed. She desires to recover the frontier strip, including Malmedy, annexed by Prussia in 1815 ; the portion of......
Lord Phillimore Has Delivered An Important Judgment In...
prize money for the Navy, and it may be hoped that the sailors have come appreciably nearer to receiving their due. The whole question of prize money is •complicated, and we......