21 DECEMBER 1918, Page 1

Lord Milner published in Thursday's papers a reply to a

corre- spondent who asked why we had sent troops to Russia " to meddle with her internal affairs," and how long we meant to keep them there. No one who had read the newspapers attentively during the past year could honestly ask such questions. Nevertheless, Lord Milner did well to remind his questioner and the public that the Bolsheviks were, and still are, our declared enemies, that they helped the Germans in every way, that they betrayed Rumania, and treacherously attacked the Czecho-Slovaks who were trying to leave Russia. Had we not sent troops to Archangel and Vladivostok, the vast stores of munitions sent there by the Allies would have been transferred by the Bolsheviks to the Gerinans, and enemy'U'-boats would have had a secure base in the White Sea. Thousands of Russians had joined our forces and were fighting to save their countrymen from " the unspeakable horrors of Bolshevik rule." To desert these Russian patriots would be " an abominable betrayal." All this is, or should be, common knowledge. Why is it that a few British people, who must know better, persist in pretending that the Bolsheviks are virtuous democrats, and that our Government are trying to suppress the liberties of Russia ?