The Baghdad Railway, Mr. Ward Price stated in Monday's Times,
has been completed during the war as far as Nisibin, a hundred miles west of Mosul The great tunnels through the Taurus and Anti-Taurus are finished, so that there is railway connexion between Constantinople and Aleppo, and thence across the Euphrates and through the desert to the once famous Roman fortress of Nisibia. As the British railway from Baghdad is now nearing Mosul, only the desert gap of a hundred miles remains to be bridged. It 18 a poetic justice that has caused the Germans to build this Baghdad Railway at vast expense just in time for the Allies to ,make use of it. Obviously the undertaking can no longer remain in German bands. Under Allied control, as the Daily Mail has pointed out, it will form a valuable link in a new railway route to the East by way of Franca, Italy. Serbia, and Constantinople. Given a supply of locomotives, rolling-stock, and coal, trains might be running to Baghdad within et:few months from now.