21 DECEMBER 1918, Page 2

Our argument was that on grounds of humanity Germany should

in no conceivable circumstances be allowed to resume control of her Colonies. She had proved herself utterly unfit to rule native races, and the native races must be secured against another rigime of oppression, slavery, ravage, rape, and flogging. We then went on to say that Great Britain had no desire for fresh Colonies, and would not wish to have it said of her that she had gone to war for annexa- tions. Nevertheless Great Britain, we added, could not refuse the duty, if she saw it to be such, of giving fah. and just treatment to the natives who used to suffer under Germany. We pointed out, in flue, that if our duty lay along this path, we ought by no mean; to be deterred by the unpleasant possibility that we should be charged with self-seeking and hypocrisy. Finally, we suggested that if in the general settlement it were found undesirable for Great Britain to undertake the duty, the United States might be persuaded to do it, unattractive though we knew it would be to her, in the name of humanity. Such was the argument. It seems unnecessary to make further comment on Mr. Shadwell's letter.