21 DECEMBER 1918, Page 11



Sta,—In 1898 Mr. Sohn Hay, then Ambassador of the United States to Great Britain, wrote to Senator Lodge : " It is hardly too muoh to say the interests of civilization are bound up in the direction the relations of England and America are to take in the next few months." What was true twenty years ago is more than ever true to-day. Therefore a good many thoughtful Americans are apprehensive of the effect, both in England and the United States, of the visit of President Wilson to Europe with the declared PArpose of urging principles which he regards as of the first importance, but in regard to which America has not been con- sulted. I refer, of course, to proposals such as that of a League of Nations, with legislative and judicial powers, binding its mem- bers; for international control of commercial regulations and relations and for the " freedom of the seas." We dread the effect of what seems to us a legend which has grown up in Europe about the person of our President. We know his good qualities, and hold him in honour for the work he has done. But we know also that it is neither his nature nor his habit to consult with us, and wo fear that the English people may be tempted to identify his

proposals with a considered conviction of the American people. We have never been taken into his confidence. That is not Presi- dent Wilson's way. He consults, if at all, with a little group of friends, and decides what is best. The American people have stood by him as war dictator, with unexampled powers, in a una- nimity more complete on the part of his political opponents than of his political friends. But we have not been consulted. He recently asked a full, and also a blind, endorsement for the making of peace as well as the waging of war, declaring that unless he had a majority in the next Congress he would take it as a rebuke for his Administration. The voters accepted the challenge, and elected a majority of his political opponents. Had he been a Premier instead of a President, he would now be out of office. The people did not accept his interpretation either of the effect of a Congress not blindly subservient to his wishes, or in rebuke of what he has done. He must simply carry the measures he desires henceforth by a non-partisan appeal. It is necessary that these things should be said to make it clear that President Wilson does not come to the Peace Conference with any clear mandato from the American people in regard to disputed or disputable questions. Americans wish peace on a basis of co-operative friendliness with the British Empire, France, Italy, and the other Allied nations. They are not insisting upon any definite reading of the riddle of a League or of commercial relations or of sea regulations in. time of war. Such a continuing co-operation and comity between the British Empire and the United States is in their opinion necessary to the interests of civilization in the future.—I am, Sir, &e.,


The " Congregationalist and .4dvance," 14 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass., NoveMber