[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOT1:.] SIR,—The greatest European man of letters of his age, Goethe, in his Autobiography records how deeply he was indebted to the author of The Vicar of Wakefield, which, he staid, had in the decisive moment of his youthful mental development formed his education. The story became to bins life's first reality, and be never ceased throughout his long life to confess his obligations to Oliver Goldsmith. May we not commend to Goethe's fellow- eon/ars-men the study of one of the German translations of The Vicar, and especially Goldsmith's wise conclusions wheat he puts into the mouths of the rascal, Mr. Jenkinson, who confesses "Indeed, I think, from my own experience, that the knowing man is the silliest fellow under the sun. I was thought conning from my very childhood: when lint seven years old, the ladies would say that I was a perfect little man; at fourteen I knew the world, cocked my hat, and loved the ladies; at twenty, though I was perfectly honest, yet every one thought- me so cunning that not one would trust me. Thus I was at last obliged to !urn sharper ie my own defence, and have lived ever since. ins- head throbbing with schemes to deceive, and my heart palpitating with fears of detection. I used often to laugh at your honest, simple neighbour Flamborough, and one way or another generally cheated him ones a year. Yet still the honest man went forward without suspicion. and grew rich, while I still continued tricksy and cunning, and was poor, without the consolation of being honest."
The theme of The Vicar throughout is, as Professor Hudson points out, the triumph of good over evil in the long run against seemingly overwhelming odds.—I am, Sir, &c.,