21 DECEMBER 1918, Page 20



Blackie's Children's Annual. (Mackie. os. net.)—The first story is by Mrs. Allen-Harker, who takes us at once into the charming country -house circle where she has so often before made us welcome. Paul and Fiammetta, Nurse and Dutton, and of course Father and the dogs, are all as delightful as ever, and even Aunt Eunice unbends for a moment. The other stories and verses are all on a high level, and tell us of the merry tricks and engaging ways of our nursery children, with much insight into their growing minds. The pictures, coloured and black-and- white, are exceptionally good.—My Short Story Book (same pub- lishers, 2s. Gd. net) is a collection of little stories, chiefly about village children, some of which have, we think, appeared before. It has a very pretty coloured cover, and plenty of coloured and black- and-white pictures.—Billy's Garden Plot. Related and Illus- trated by S. Rosamond Praeger. (Same publishers. 4s. net.)— Billy and his friend Patricia are true war-time children, full of zeal and energy in their longing to be helpful and do real, useful work. Their gardening adventures are charmingly told, both with pen and pencil, and will appeal to all big and little readers who know something of the vagaries of a garden. The full-page coloured picture of the slug nightmare is capital, but we are glad to say that Billy triumphed at last, and when his father came home he proudly " set on the table a fine dish of lettuces from his own garden plot."—The Cheery Chicks Book. Illustrated by Harold Earnshaw. (Same publishers. 2s. net.)—These pictures show us a party of lively young people, making all sorts of attractive messes such as cakes for tea, with plenty of jam, and enjoying all sorts of wild adventures, but ending up with a cosy talk with Grandpapa in an enormous armchair. A line of letterpress explains each picture.—My Untearable Picture Book (same publishers, 4s. net) consists of brightly coloured pictures of children and animals, and the straightforward explanatory verses that little children like and understand.—The Animals Do Their Bit' in the Great War. By Frank Hart.. (Same publishers. 3s. net.)—This is a book for rather older children, who will enjoy reading the accounts of the way all sorts of beasts, from horses to camels, took their share in defeating the enemy. The last chapter is on " Regimental and Ships' Mascots." We only wish Mr. Hart had told us more about all these creatures, who have helped and cheered our Allies and ourselves in so many parts of the world, for, as he remarks, " they themselves will never say a word about it ! " He has given us plenty of interesting pictures, both coloured and black-and-white.