The Twentieth Century Theatre. By W. L. Phelps. (New York
: Macmillan. $1- 25.)—Professor Phelps of Yale deals frankly with the contemporary stage in America and Great Britain in this interesting book. The best modern writers, he thinks, have found expression in the drama, and their printed plays have a large sale. Yet it is but rarely that these plays can be seen in an ordinary theatre, even in New York or London. Professor Phelps laments the theatrical managers' lack of perception and the great public's seeming indifference to the quality of the entertainment which it is offered. He sees hope in the growing numbers of people who read good plays, and in the young men and women who at some Amoricaa Universities not only study the history of the drama, but also learn how to write and produce plays. The small repertory theatre movement has made great strides in America, owing partly to the guidance of English actors and producers like Mr. Louis Calvert, Mr. Gordon Ciaig, and Mr. Granville Barker. Last June there were sixty " Little Theatres " in various parts of the United States. Some day, perhaps, the commercial manager will find it worth while to stage the best contemporary drama and Shakespeare, as well as melodramas and musical comedies.