In the series of The Biblical Illustrator, edited by the
Rev, Joseph S. Exell (Nisbet), we have the second volume of " Genesis " and the first of " St. John."—We have also received the fourth volume of The New Popular Educator : a Complete Encyclopedia of Elementary and Advanced Education (Cassell and Co.), and the second part of Architectural Antiquities in The Gentleman's Magazine Library," edited by George Laurence Gomme, F.S.A. (Elliot Stook). —The twenty-second volume of the Antiquary : a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Past (same publisher) is a welcome addition to a very valuable series.—Two contemporary records of pulpit eloquence arc The British Weekly Pulpit (British Weekly office), Vol. III., and The Contemporary Pulpit (Swan Sonnen- schein and Co.), "the fourth volume of the second series."— Friendly Leaves, edited by Hurley I. Arden (Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co.), is the annual volume of a religious magazine.