Souvenirs Of The Second Empire. By The Comte De Maugny.
(Dean and Son.)—The author begins with a striking parallel between the Court of the Third Napoleon in 1809, and that of Louie XVI. in 1788. A third may be added in the......
Famous Musical Composers. By Lydia T. Morris. (t. Fisher...
volume of short biographies of musical composers, edited by Miss Morris, is decidedly worthy of notice, and will be found interesting and useful by students of music. Many of......
Nature's Wonder - Workers. By Kate R. Lovell. (cassell...
a book of popularised natural history. The writer tells us many notable facts about spiders, boos, wasps, gnats, ear- wigs, and a variety of other creatures which most of us see......
Murray's "history Of Greek Sculpture."* That This Work,...
known to all students of ancient art, should have waited ten years for a, second edition, is a proof that it is not known as it deserves to be to the general reader. But, at any......
Women Poets Of The Victorian Era, With Preface By Mrs.
William Sharp. (Walter Scott.) — This is an interesting volume in the series of "The Canterbury Poets." One hardly realises till one sees it, what an amount of excellent work......
Current Literature.
Peter Brough a Paisley Philanthrepist. By James R, Sherrock, M.A. (Alex. Gardner.)—Mr. Brough's father began life as a tailor in Old Scone ; Peter himself was apprenticed to a......
Pestalozzi : His Life And Work. By Roger Do Guimps.
Trans- lated by J. Russell, B.A. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—It would have been better, perhaps, if Mr. Russell had abridged as well as translated. It seems ungracious thus to......
Fifty Years In Ceylon : An Autobiography. By The Late
Major Thomas Skinner, C.M.G. Edited by his Daughter, Annie Skinner. (W. H. Allen and Co.)--Thomas Skinner, the son of an artillery .officer, received a commission in the Ceylon......