Koch In The High Alps.
T O the healthy English gentleman who lives at home at ease, the question whether Dr. Koch's remedy is a boon and a blessing to men, or a dangerous poison, possesses at best......
Letters To The Editor.
THE DECEASED WIFE ' S SISTER BILL. [To TUE EDITOR, OF rx " BPECTATOR.1 Stn,—It is, to use a mild word, surprising to find the Spectator , saying that "it is unquestionable that......
Coleridge And The Supernatural.
[To TIED EDITOR OF Tun "SPECTATOR."] Sin — May I remark, with reference to the inferiority of the second part of " Christabel, " that much of the witchery which pervades the......
[to Trii Editor Or Tun " Spectator. N F Sir,—i Observe In
the Spectator of February 141h, you state that "it is unquestionable that for nearly two centuries even in England, the marriage with a deceased wife ' s sister was legal. " I......
The Libels On Birds.
[To 2-ItE EDITOR OF TITFI "SPECTATOR... J .1 Sin,—The article in the Spectator of February 14th upon "The Sinfulness of Novelty " contained for me one paragraph of special......