The Council of the League of Nations, meeting at St.
James's Palace on Friday week, decided to convene an International Conference on the financial crisis. Mr. Chamberlain had stated that the Government would take part in a Conference summoned by the League. The Continental Powers, we may be sure, will gladly send delegates, and America, it is to be hoped, will be represented. The sooner the Conference is held the better, for the distress in Europe cannot be relieved so long as the depreci- ated currencies prevent trade and industry from reviving. The Council appointed M. Rault, the French delegate, as Chairman of the Governing Commission of the Saar Valley, and Sir Reginald Tower as High Commissioner for the League in the Free City of Danzig. At the instance of M. Bourgeois, a Committee of jurists, including Mr. Root, was nominated to prepare plans for a Permanent Court of international Justice. We could wish that the Chairman of the Saar Valley were a neutral member of the League of Nations.