Our Old Acquaintance, The " Mad Mullah " Of Somaliland,
has once again been disposed of. He had, it seems, taken advan- tage of our preoccupation with the war to build himself forts near the Somali coast. The Colonial Office decided......
The Allies In A Note Presented On Sunday Last Invited
Holland to reconsider her refusal to surrender the ex-Kaiser for trial. They emphasized the exceptional nature of tho ex-Kaiser's crime in provoking the war as a reason why......
Mr. O'grady, After Prolonged Negotiations At Copenhagen,...
last week with the Bolshevik agent Litvinoff for a general exchange of prisoners. The British sailors, soldiers, and civilians now in Russia are to be released, and the Russian......
The Peace Conference, Meeting In London On Monday, Dis-...
the future of Turkey. It was stated semi-officially on Tuesday that the Allies had decided not to deprive Turkey of Constantinople, and on Wednesday Mr. Sonar Law said that they......
Admiral Koltchak And His Premier, M. Pepelaieff, Were...
Irkutsk on February 7th by order of the Bolsheviks. The Gecho-Sha ak forces surrendered the Admiral to the Social Revolutionaries in January, making the pitiful excuse that they......
Mr. Churchill, Addressing His Dundee Constituents Last...
regret that the Allies had not been able to do more for the anti-Bolshevik Russians. He declared that the Allies would " learn to rue the fact that they could not take more......
The Coal Mines (emergency) Bm, Which Was Read A Second
time in the House of Commons on Tuesday, deals with the finances of the coal trade from April last up to the end of August next, when the Coal Control agreement will terminate.......
A Select Committee Of The Commons Was Appointed On Monday
to consider the proposed " tax on war-time increases of wealth," and to report whether such a tax was practicable. Sir Donald Maclean wanted the Committee to inquire also into......
An Outline Of The Army Estimates Was Published On Wednes-
day. The total sum required for the year 1920-21 is £125,000,000, but out of this no more than £55,000,000 is required for the Army on the establishment authorised before the......
The Council Of The League Of Nations, Meeting At St.
James's Palace on Friday week, decided to convene an International Conference on the financial crisis. Mr. Chamberlain had stated that the Government would take part in a......