The Peace Conference, meeting in London on Monday, dis- cussed
the future of Turkey. It was stated semi-officially on Tuesday that the Allies had decided not to deprive Turkey of Constantinople, and on Wednesday Mr. Sonar Law said that they " did propose to leave the Turks in Constantinople." He added in a cryptic phrase that it was not a case of the Sultan ; it was a case of the whole Turkish nationality." On Monday it was stated in the House, on behalf of the Foreign Office, that the Turks a fortnight ago slaughtered 1,500 Armenians near Marash, and murdered two American missionaries near Aintab. Mr. O'Connor unkindly reminded the Government that their policy had been to free all the Christians in Turkey from Turkish misrule. The Times on Tuesday reported that the Armenian victims really numbered 7,000, and that a large Turkish army, with regular artillery, was trying to exterminate the remainder of the Armenians in the district round Marash and Zeitun. The Allies apparently can do nothing to save them, for politics are too strong for humanity.