[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOZ."] SIR,—In these days, when faddists abound, one is not surprised at various folk being for the nationalization of this or that trade or......
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] " If, however, a Government with Dominion powers, except as regards Customs, were to be established in South-West Ireland, the South and......
Is Labour Fit To Govern ?
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Mr. Churchill has raised the question whether Labour is fit to form a Government. Mr. Bevin, the representative of the powerful......
The Indian Civil Service As A Career. [to The Editor
OP THE " SPECTITOR."] SIR,—Since I wrote my letter of February 7th on " The Indian Civil Service as a Career " the Secretary of State for India has announced his intention of......
State Purchase Of The Liquor Trade. (to The Editor Of
THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I suggest to Canon Rawnsley and others who regard the Liquor Control Board's experiment in Carlisle with enthusiastic approval, that if they compare......
The Future Of Constantinople.
[To THE Enrroa op Tea " Sprorssoa."3 Sus,—No doubt you will permit a final rejoinder on this subject (I do not desire you to be compelled to have to "declare this correspondence......