England 'under the Yorkists, 1460-1485. Illustrated from Contemporary Sources. By
Isobel D. Thornley. (Longmans, 9s. 6d. net.)--Though primarily intended for the use of under- graduates, this volume of well-chosen extracts from contem- porary sources for the reigns of Edward IV. and Richard III. will interest a larger public. Miss Thornley has ranged widely among printed and unprinted materials in selecting passages to illustrate the political, Constitutional, ecclesiastical, economic, and social aspects of that turbulent generation, and she has prefixed a very useful account of the sources, abundant but little used as yet, for Yorkist history. Her book will assuredly send new readers to the memoirs of that subtle diplomatist, Philippe do Comines. Among the economic references we observe the regulations for the Iceland fishing fleet in 1484, and the committal of a Cheapside market-woman, Agnes Deyntee of North Lawe, to the pillory with certain of the said dishes about her neck " for selling bad butter.