Village Libraries : a Cuide to their Formation and Upkeep.
By A. Saylo. (Grant Richards. 5s. net.)—Miss Sayle's book will be of great help to many country people who are anxious to incnase the amenities of village life and do not know how to begin. The author has helped to manage a Hampshire village library for twelve years, and she describes her experiences in detail. She tells us how to start a library, how to choose the books, how to keep them, how to raise funds, and how to organize a Library Committee. Her chapters on the kinds of books which the villagers like are most entertaining. " They want to read what interests them quickly and easily, not anything which presupposes both a wide education and an unfired body and mind." The most popular author in this village is Mrs. Henry Wood, with Miss Worboise a good second, while Dickens and Scott have very few readers and Thackeray none at all.