Last week, in commenting on the great expansion of the
Labour Party to take in brain-workers as well as manual workers, we predicted that the party would wreck itself by its own apparent success, very much in the manner in which the once prosperous Labour Party in Australia has split asunder. We are interested to see the following remarks in the Labour Leader under the head of " Too Much Success " :- " All sorts and conditions of men are joining the Labour Party. It is becoming a refuge for disappointed politicians, for disgruntled public servants, and for ambitious place-hunters. Men who have never been heard of in the Socialist or Labour movement are being adopted as Labour Parliamentary candi- dates. . . . This is a serious menace to the Labour Party. . . . It is bad enough for a wealthy trade union to bribe a local Labour Party to accept an incompetent candidate by relieving it of all financial effort, but it is infinitely worse to sell the seat to a political nonentity who offers to pay all the expenses. Labour has boasted that it pays for its own politics. That boast will have to remain true or the Labour Party will be ruined."