21 JULY 1883, Page 1


THERE is no farther news of the unpleasant affair in Madagas- car, but there seems no danger at all that it is likely to cause any disagreement between France and England. M. Challemel- Lacour's statement in the Chamber of Deputies on Monday was a most satisfactory and temperate one. Admiral Pierre had been specially ordered to respect English susceptibilities in his operations on the coast of Madagascar, and M. Challemel- Lacour could hardly believe that he had failed to do so ; but, be added, "If, which we cannot suppose, any serious mistake or inisunderetanding has occurred, in which passion played a part, we should not hesitate to fulfil the obligations imposed on us by the spirit of justice and the interests of the country." M. Challemel-Lacour further paid a tribute to the moderation and courtesy of Mr. Gladstone's and Lord Granville's tone, in their communications to Parliament on the subject. Lord Lyons is leaving Paris for a holiday, so little does he seem to apprehend any difficulty in the matter ; and all accounts agree that the confidence between France and England is heartier just now than it has been for some years back.