21 JULY 1883, page 2

Lord Dnfferin Made Not Only An Amusing, But A Very

hopeful speech concerning Egypt, at the dinner of the Worshipful Com- pany of Grocers on Wednesday, where he declared that he should , have been very glad to enlarge on such......

The London Chamber Of Commerce Met On Wednesday At The

Cannon-Street Hotel, under the presidency of Mr. Herbert Tritton, the Chairman of the Council, who made a very tem- perate speech on the subject of the Government proposal for......

A Very Unfortunate Amendment Was Carried By Mr. Balfour, Who

proposed that in respect of improvements for which the. consent of the landlord need not be asked, the compensation shall never exceed the amount of the outlay. The objection to......

The Daily News Resents The Criticism Very Naturally Made On

its attitude towards the Government on the Suez Canal ques- tion. But our contemporary has quite mistaken the point. Even a loyal supporter of the Government may find himself at......

Upon This Speech Of Lord Granville's, Lord Salisbury Made A

most extraordinary comment. He deplored the fact that her Majesty's Government had countenanced M. de Lesseps in a view of his monopoly which made it a standing obstacle to the......

The Opinion Of The French Physician, Dr. Vulpian, Who Saw

the Count de Chambord last Sunday, and stayed some days at Frobsdorf, is said to be more favourable than that of his Austrian medical advisers, and there seems to have been some......

The House Went Into Committee On Tuesday Afternoon On The.

Agricultural Holdings Bill, and the great question of "the- sitting tenant's" claim for improvements was raised pretty early by Mr. Borlase. The complaint is that a tenant who......