21 JULY 1883, page 1

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


Mr. Childers Received A Deputation On The Subject...

from the Associated Chambers of Commerce, and replied with great ability and firmness. He pointed out that the Com- pany presided over by M. de Leeseps had, in the belief of her......

The Report Of The British Directors Of The Suez Canal,

Sir 3, Stokes and Sir C. Rivers Wilson, was published on Monday, and it would have been well, we think, if it had been ready for publication, and had been laid on the table of......

The Negotiation Concerning The Suez Canal Has Been The Great

subject of the week ; and we may say of the agitation against it, that the week which came in like a lion has gone out like a lamb. The fury and resentment expressed yesterday......

A Remarkable Little Discussion Took Place On The...

in the House of Lords on Tuesday, Lord Granville remarking that the opposition of Lord Palmerston to the Suez- Canal scheme had given a great stimulus to the raising of the......

Upon This Speech Of Lord Granville's, Lord Salisbury Made A

most extraordinary comment. He deplored the fact that her Majesty's Government had countenanced M. de Lesseps in a view of his monopoly which made it a standing obstacle to the......

News Of The Week.

T HERE is no farther news of the unpleasant affair in Madagas- car, but there seems no danger at all that it is likely to cause any disagreement between France and England. M.......