21 JUNE 1856, Page 11



Since it has transpired that it was not the intention of the English Go- vernment to dismiss Mr. Dallas, a feeling of confidence has prevailed regard- ing an adjustment of the American question, and the English Funds have- been very firm. On Monday they advanced 1, and Consols were done at 94f ; they have since been higher. Today they have ranged front 94-1 to 941, and leave off at 941 f Consol Scrip has improved 1 this week, and is now 2/ 3 premium. Bank Stock has not altered. Exchequer Bills are 38. better. Money has been in demand, and will probably continue so during this month, owing to the provision for an instalment of 1,000,0001. on the new Loan due the 28th instant, and the accumulation of the revenue-re- ceipts: but this pressure it is presumed, will be only temporary, as relief will be afforded when the July dividends are paid, and from the influx of gold shortly expected from various quarters, including 1,000,000/. that will be soon orer-due from Australia, and large re- mittances from Constantinople, America, and the West Indies. With these considerations, and from the satisfactory appearance of the foreign exchanges, it is thought a further reduction m the Bank rate of discount will not long be delayed. The French Funds have been less variable. In the Corn-market the recent advance has been maintained. The gold and specie arrivals have been 140,000/. from New York, and 443,344/. from Aus- tralia. The shipments by the Ave amount to 190,2341.: of this 10,000/. is gold for Alexandria, and the remainder silver for India. Foreign Stocks have been well supported : some extensive purchases have been made in Turkish, causing an advance of 21 in the Six and of 1.1 in the Pour per Cents. There has been a rise of 1 in Brazilian, Buenos Ayres, Dutch Two-and-a-half, and Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Ceuta. Spanish Three per Cents and Mexican are rather higher. Spanish Certificates have fallen f. From accounts from Lisbon it appears likely that the arrange- ment with the foreign holders of Portuguese Bonds will be confirmed. In Railways there has been considerable activity, and a rise has occurred in nearly all the leading descriptions. The Shares mostly sought after have been the London and South-Western ; they have improved 4/. 10s. In other Shares the advance has been-North-Eastern Berwick, 2/. 108. ; Great Western, and Lancashire and Yorkshire, 21. 6s. ; Bristol and Exeter" East Lancashire, and Midland, 21.; London and North-Western, 11. 16s. ; Great Northern, and South-Eastern, 1/. 10a. ; London Brighton, and South Coast, and North-Eastern York, 1/. I Foreign 'Lines sales in French have predominated, and the following have declined-Paris and Orleans, 1/. ; Great Central of France Eastern of France, and Paris and Lyons 168. ; Northern of France, 58. Indian continue firm at former rates. 'Great Western of Canada, 15a., Namur and Liege, 2s. 6d., Sarubre and Meuse, 6s. higher.


- The English Funds have been stationary since the morning and they leave off at the same quotations ; Consols for Account are 941 1. Exchequer Bills have improved la., being 10 13 premium. Foreign Stocks present no difference ; the market has been very quiet. Grenada New Active has been done at 18f.

In Railways there has been a large business transacted, at rather better prices-Caledonian, 62f ; Eastern Counties, 11; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 601 ; Great Northern 96k; Great Western, 63 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 951 ; London and BlaCkwall, 71 ; London, Brig ton, and South Coast, 1051; London and North-Western, 1041 • London and South-Western, 103,; Midland, 81; North British, 37; 'North-Eastern-Berwick, 844; Ditto York, 59k; North Staffordshire, 12; South Devon, 14!; South-Eastern, 73; Grand Trunk of Canada, A Issue, 151 ; Great Western of Canada, 261; Great Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 61.; Northern of France, 44; Papa and Lyons 571. Mine-Brazilian Imperial St. John del Rey, 24. Jomt Stock Brihks-London Chartered Bank of Australia, 181; .London and County, 32!; London and Westminster, 491; Western Bank of London, 60.


The English Funds have been I lower this morning, but have recovered • Consols for Account are now 944 1. Exchequer Bills 9 12 premium. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows an increase of 370,374/. There was an arrival of gold yesterday from Australia valued at 343,3001. In Fo- reign Stocks there is no change. Railways are firm at former prices- Eastern Counties 10k; Great Northern' 961 Great Western, 64k; Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, 951 •' London, Brighton, and South Coast, 100, London and North-Western, l031 ; Midland, 80f. Miscellaneous—Canada Government General Screw Steam Shipping Company, 4; Peninsular Mineral, 31; Royal Mail

..3 per Cent Consols

Ditto for Account

3 per Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents -Long Annuities

Bank Stock

Exchequer Bills .'India Stock -Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 45 per Cents 'Chili= 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents

Company, and Oriental Steam, 71.


i 1:44t 5 95 h 35 217 19 10 13 pm. shut 90 3

100 2 95 7 103 5 101 3 83 5

6 per Cent January and July, 14-1 ; London General Omnibus Steam, 68j; Peel River Land

Dutch 25 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 45 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 45 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents Turkish 6 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed

1141; and

65 7 95 7 225 31 78 80 54 6 50 2 107 9 97 9 47 a 255 i 91 3 85 8

1011 .25

1045 5

The City Bank is to be removed on Monday next from the temporary offices in Royal Exchange Buildings to the new and handsome structure specially erected for the bank in Threadneedle Street, at the corner of Finch Lane, and opposite the Bank of London.

A section of the shareholders of the Alliance (English and French) Bank was held on Wednesday ; when they resolved to authorize their sol leiter to take measures to obtain a return of their 51. deposits from the company, on the plea that the Council had violated the contract and arrangements con- tained in the prospectus of the scheme. Other shareholders have paid 10/. on their shares, and they are satisfied with the progress of business.

The African Steam Company have declared a dividend at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. It is proposed to move the seat of business from London to Liverpool, to apply for a supplemental charter to extend the operations of the company, and to reduce the nominal value of the shares to the 101. paid-up on them.

The dividend of the Commercial Dock Company is at the rate of 5 per cent per annum.

A company is to be formed for purchasing and extending the Hultsdorf Mills, which were established some years since at Columbo in Ceylon, for the manufacture of cocoa-nut oil. The business has been profitable ,• other kinds of production are to be added to the oilmaking. The capital of the company is to be 100,000/.

According to a statement prepared by Mr. John Clare junior of Liverpool, the yearly imports of tallow into the 'United Kingdom from 1844 to 1863 averaged 60,692 tons ; in 1861 the import was only 37,986 tons, and in 1856 47,761 tons.