Talus To T#t Eititur. Secret Treaties.
Belfast, 2d June 1856. • Sra—The present state of the foreign relations of this country makes it desirable to understand how far the Crown can bind the nation by treaties. The......
HAMILTON'S WANDERINGS IN NORTH AFRICA. * THIS volume is the result of a tour and sojourn in the ancient Cyrenaica, the land of the Lotus-eaters and of the self-indulgent......
The Inundations In France—cause And Remedy.
1, Adam Street, ildelphi, 16th June 1856. Sza—Engineering and other criticism on the late water calamities takes the form of speculation as to what should be done in providing......
Palmer's Last Words.
PAINKB, died asseverating that he was a murdered man; for "Cook did not die from strychnine" — " Lord Campbell summed up in favour of poisoning by strychnine " — " I am......