21 JUNE 1856, page 19


FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, J1JNE 17. Partnerships Dissolred.—Jones and Joseph, Cam Rhondda and Cardiff, coal. merchants—Southern and Davison, Whickham, Durham, and Newcastle-upon.......


On the 12th June, in Rue des Ecuries &Artois, Paris, the Wife of Major R. Car- michael-Smyth, late of the Ninety-third Sutherland Highlanders, of a son. On the 13th, at......

Qt 2ring.

PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, JUNE 20. WAR DEPARTYMT, Pall Mall, June 20.--Royal Engineers—Lieut.-Gen. C. G. El- licombe, C.B. to be Col.-Commandant, vice Gen. Birch, dec. Brevet—The......

Publications Received.

BOOKS. THE more solid books of the week are Mr. Chesterton's "Revelations of Prison Life," the result of a quarter of a century's experience as Governor of Cold-Bath Fields ;......

Health Of London During The Week Ending Jtne 14.

[From the Official Return.] Ten Weeks Week of 11:116 , 55. of 1856. Zymotic Diseases Dropsy, Cancer, and other Diseases of uncertain or variable seat Tubercular Diseases......