The Portfolio, June. (Seeley and Co.)—The feature of the present
number is the first of a series of articles on " Charing Cross to St. Paul's." The illustrations are reproductions of pen- and-ink drawings by Mr. Joseph Pennell. They have been executed, at no small personal trouble, and, one might say, risk, by the artist in the midst of the actual turmoil of the street, and consequently they give, as Mr. Justin McCarthy, in the excellent paper which accompanies them, points out, the bustle and move. ment of the scene with extraordinary fidelity. We owe much already to the skilful pen of Mr. Pennell, and now owe him a revelation of the picturesqueness of London, a characteristic which, as a foreigner, he doubtless perceives with a keener appre- ciation than we, so familiar with every feature, can reach. The illustrations to this paper are five in number, one of full-page size. The frontispiece of the number is an etching by Mr. G. W. Rhead of Mr. Watts's admirable portrait of Cardinal Manning. It is a noble subject, excellently rendered. The monthly instalment of " The British Seas " is a paper on " The Wight and the Solent Sea," by Mr. Charles C,oigny.