A Meeting Of The Liberal Unionist Party Was Held Yesterday
week, at the office of the Liberal Unionist Association, when Lord Hartington addressed them, denying that the Liberal Unionists had the slightest desire to dictate to the......
On The Evening Of Yesterday Week, Another Night Was Lost
in the discussion of Mr. A. Acland's amendment, which proposed to apply the produce of the new spirit-duties to educational purposes. Mr. Caine contended that the licensing......
News Of The Week.
T HE details of an Anglo-German agreement as to the dis- tribution of East Africa were officially published on Tuesday both in Berlin and London. The document is not yet......
It Is A Pity That Mr. Stanley Has Called Emin
Pasha's satrapy " Equatoria," for the name would have exactly described the dominion of the British East Africa Company. " Mackin- nonia," we fear, will not do, but " Cecilia"......
The Germans Are Delighted With The . Agreement, And Thank...
Emperor with enthusiasm. They are aware that Heligo- land is nothing, but declare that they can see the British flagstaff from Cuxhaven—a bold metaphor, as the distance is......
Notice To Advertisers.
With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, .Tune 28th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......